Monday, May 09, 2005

Look back, Think back

Ever since I could remember, I have always been reminded or should I say imparted with a certain moral value which I never really understood till a sad moment happened in my life a few years back. The day my grandfather, Henry Lionel Estrop passed away. I have always been told and reminded that I should always be there for the living, and not the dead. Think about it, no point crying beside your loved ones when they are in a coffin when you did not even bother talking to them when they were alive and kicking. Agree? My memories with reference to my grandfather have always been simple and incredible ones, littered with a few unpleasant moments. But at the end of the day, I knew he loved me with all his heart. The times I spent with him cannot be bought with money as I really treasure those moments. From cleaning his battery operated shavers to buying his cough sweets from the mama shop. Even listening to him sing his favorite Tom Jones songs to helping him oil his rusty gym equipment, I really treasure those memories. To me, he was a good man, with a heart of gold. He will always be my grandfather, my idol. I never really liked the ideal of certain relatives crying their lungs out during his wake because of one fact, they weren't concern about him when he was alive and now that he has passed away, they come crying? I seriously didn't see the point. To further frustrate me, immediately after the wake you ask my grandmother where was grandpa's Rolex? What the fucking hell is wrong with you! Seriously, I despise people like you and it humiliates me to be related to you. Alright I'm going to stop here for now. To grandpa, you will always be in my heart.


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