Wednesday, March 29, 2006

always plan ahead

What do I want in life? I’ve been asking myself this question every night since I’ve received my results last Friday. For your information, my results ain’t worth a thing much less worth any mentioning on this blog. Just to satisfy your curiosity, I managed to pass all modules and for those expecting me to retake a module or several modules, I’m sorry to disappoint you yet again.

So back to the topic, every night since I’ve received my results, I lie down and reflect on what my goals in life are. Screw the superficial targets like saving money for my driving license, shoes and clothes, you get the idea right? I’m talking about real targets, as in targets which will lead me to achieve a more comfortable life in the future, something which will enable me to lead a comfortable life not only for myself but also for my future wife and kids. I can forget about applying to study at the local university’s and the only way I’ll be getting a degree is to head to a university overseas which will cost a bomb. Just to side track a little, now those people who are just starting out their polytechnic life please study hard and achieve good GPA’s every semester unless you want to end up like me. As I was saying, heading overseas to study is no cheap option, although it’s worth considering if you won’t screw things up when you are overseas studying eg: taking drugs, partying hard and doing everything else but studying. I can bet my life that I’ll definitely dabble in at least one of the above mentioned and that’s what’s holding me back from thinking of going overseas.

National service beckons in a year’s time and some of you might be saying that this will teach me discipline which will help me while I’m overseas. I agree with this statement and I will further add that even my up bringing will help me but temptations will always be around and will I succumb to them? I guess it all boils down to self discipline and sadly it’s something which I’m lacking just a little bit. Life ain’t a bed of roses, that’s all I’ve got to say.

Looks like I’ve got to start getting serious about my life. No more fooling around. What am I saying, chances are I’m going to continue with my unhealthy lifestyle and screw things up again. Damn I seriously need to concentrate on my studies for my last two semesters in school and hopefully things will turn out good.


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