Wednesday, September 19, 2007

thank you

I don't know why, how, or when I’ve become like this.
But I do know one thing.
My mum's the best.
Through all the good and bad times I’ve been through with her, she always smiles at the end. Even though I’ve disappointed her time after time, she's always there for me when I’m down and out. I might have hurt you in the past, and for that mum I’m sorry. I’ll never forget the times you've encouraged me, consoled me and even tried to cheer me up, because like you've always said to me, "your family will always be there for you".
You never fail to practice what you preach.
I promise to never let you see me in that state again, because I know it hurts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your late ! get your ass to my place now!! entourage marathon is waiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eh the other blogsite iwishyoucouldbemine.blogspot go delete it !!!! stop being all emo and break free !!! ok hurry we;re waiting

3:01 PM  

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