Wednesday, October 31, 2007

sick and tired of whats happening

drinking the night away.
thats what i've been up too.
don't really wish to write anymore.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

what a night

sometimes, i guess shit does happen for no reason.
i'm just happy everyones alright.
updates later

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

gimme gimme more

si3papers to study for.
starts at 9am later in the morning.
its 1am now and i've not started yet.
i just don't have the mood to study.
but i have no choice but to crack my brains.
i miss being a small kid.
night world.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


the more you learn, the more you know.
the more you know, the more you forget.
the more you forget, the less you know.
so why learn in the first place?

anger management

just fustrated.


2am and its raining heavily. i can't sleep for some reason. i keep tossing and turning but no avail. i really wish i could forget everything. i wish i could erase everything. but i can't. fuck. sorry for being all emo. bye

Friday, October 19, 2007


tonight we party party party.
tomorrow we study study study.
for now we sleep sleep sleep.
i'm tired.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

slow down

i need to slow down.
life's been too hectic recently.
skipped worked today due to a massive hangover.
i'm still reeling in the effects of last night.
off to get more rest.
lots of love.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

oh happy days

i need sleep.....
real badly.......
MOS tonight for Melvyn's 21st.
but for now, some much needed rest.

coke overdose

hello my sexy friends !!!!
it's 1.30am and i think i drank too much coke because i'm super duper hyper !!!
test again tomorrow, i mean today.
nevermind i'm having a test in like 7hours time and i need to sleep !!!
i ran out of cigarettes.
i need to pee.
i need to study.
beer again after work with the colleagues
i want to club later in the night.
Mambo/Mos will do fine.
Happy Birthday Dad(16Oct), Happy Birthday Mum / Melvyn(17Oct)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


being an adult, isn't easy.
i've got many things to ponder about.
and every decision i make, affects my future.
i wish i could depend on someone for help.
oh well, we'll see how things goes from here.
for now, back to the books.

highs and lows

To K,R and S.
Cheer up girls. Things will only get better from here onwards. Its hurts I know, but I'm sure you'll find someone who will treat you even better.

To L.
Major disappointment bro. Eventhough I've known you for 12years and counting, you've been a major disappointment. I wish I could talk to you like how we did last time, but things change. And you've changed. I thought you had changed for the better, but you've only gotten worst. I just pray that one day you'll wake up and stop living in that fantasy world of yours.

It makes me wonder......

Sunday, October 14, 2007

sunshine after the rain

I stare at myself in the mirror and wonder what it would be like to live as someone else's reflection. I stare even harder, and soon I find myself trying to decipher what her eyes are saying, who her heart is beating for, and what her mind is thinking. I realize there's nothing you can do to change the past. What's happened has happened. What's most important is how you live your life right now, and how you plan to lead it in the near future. It doesn't matter anymore whether a special someone loves you and is wiling to lay their life down for you, because the most important lesson that I've learnt - is to Love Yourself.
Thank you my friend for everything you've taught me.
Coffee someday soon?
Hugs & kisses.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


major hangover.
updates later.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Really exhausted.....
Fell alseep the moment I got home, just got up from bed.
I feel really really tired, TGIF or else I'm sure I can't last another day of work.
Felt really proud of myself after doing well in the test, didn't expect it. Somehow felt as though all the effort I put in did pay off and it feels good to see the fruits of ones labour. If only I had someone to share it with. Oh well, gonna get more rest because it's going to be a long day tomorrow.Presentation, drinking at the mess with the colleagues and officers than to the surprise party.
Goodnight world.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Full marks.
Yeap, I managed to ace the test.
Highest in my batch.
Everyone's shocked.
Happy Happy !


back from zouk.
damn tired.
mambo was great.
3hours till i start work.
i need sleep.
oh wait, i still have a test and presentation.
zombie alert in camp tomorrow.
goodnight people.
or is it good morning?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

back to the books

Information overload !!!!
My brain's going to explode anytime !!!
Walter's house than Zouk later if I finish studying.....
Oh wait theres the project still....
Back to the books !!!!

slowly.....i'm standing up

it felt like eternity at work......
i kept looking at the clock, and it looked like it was not moving....
got to head back to the books soon, if not disasters going to happen tomorrow....
worst thing that happened today, i was informed i had to do a presentation tomorrow.....
best thing that happened???
was told the happy hour this friday at the mess has free food plus.....
60cents a can for beer.....
finally i'm smiling....

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

ready to go

6Chapters to revise.
Long night ahead.
Redbull: check !
Cigarettes: check !
Coke: check !
Snacks: check !
I'm ready for war........with my notes.

i need to stop getting distracted

this week is going to be hectic.
wed-walter's house for drinks than zouk
thurs-sit for test than to the mess for drinks
fri-mess for drinks than to porky's bday party
sat-dinner with the sexy friends followed by drinks than mos.
ok back to my notes if not i'm going to fail.
did i mention i hate what i'm feeling right now?
did i also mention.....
* **** ***
go figure what it means....

sometimes, it's better to suffer in silence

It's 1am and I can't sleep.
Too many thoughts running through my mind....
I just remembered.......
Someone once told me that the last person you think of before you go to bed, and the first person you think of when you wake up in the morning
is the person your heart is truly in love with.
I think it's true.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

thinking of the words to say

The post-it notes on my computer screen fell off, and now I don't remember what I'm supposed to do.
I'm having mixed emotions now, don't know why.
I guess it's due to the test coming up this thursday.
Shall try to relax.
Going to sleep now.
back to work in 9hours.
have a nice day tomorrow guys.
lots of love.


I don't know.....
I just felt a little sad....
A little happy.....
A little confused....
And a little empty.....

Saturday, October 06, 2007

one life, live it

Can't be bothered about the notes or test....
Don't want to be feeling the way I've been feeling for the past weeks anymore.....
I'm just going to have fun....
Because life's short, and I don't want any more regrets in my life....
Cheers to drunken nights......

Hugs and Kisses

Thanks guys.
Love you.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Physically, Mentally and Emotionally exhausted.
I'm totally drained of every single ounce of energy in me.
TGIF tomorrow, I really need a break.
For now, back to my lecture notes.
Bye people.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

hopefully tomorrow is better

  1. Tired.
  2. Nose is running like a tap.
  3. Hungry.
  4. Craving for beer.
  5. Need a smoke.
  6. Got to get my stuff ready for work.
  7. Test next week which I have to score a minimum of 75% on a topic which is damn alien to me.
  8. Shit happened to the car, which was totally not my fault at all because I parked it at the carpark but some moron reversed into me.

Can things get any worst than this??

I need a break.....from everything


I hate people who don't admit to their mistakes.
Thanks alot for the trouble you've caused me.
I hope your car gets into the same situation as you put me in.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Time check: 12am

i can't sleep.
i'm feeling sick.
my nose is itchy.
my nose is running.
i keep coughing.
got a bad headache.
i've got quite a hectic day at work tomorrow, oh wait in 8hours time
fuck i just wanna die.......

Monday, October 01, 2007

nothing's gonna change for now

My coursemates are alright, surprisingly a few old friends are in the same class. Instructors are pretty cool and they officially gave me the title of "alcoholic". Brilliant ! Got to stay in camp from 16Nov for 6weeks but I get to go out every Wednesday's so it's not so bad. Furthermore I get to enjoy duty free beer so it's not too bad.
On another note, I don't think anythings changed since. I still feel the same. Hopefully it changes soon, if not PLMC and I have a few sessions together.
"After the endless walking and searching, he realised that he was nowhere but right where he started where"