Wednesday, January 31, 2007

close call

Now I know why they taught me how to execute an “emergency brake” while I was learning how to drive.
Trust me, it's fucking important !
I can't get to sleep now, because the scenario keeps replaying itself over and over in my head.
Fuck !!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

pissed off

There are times when I get so frustrated with people…
Today's one of them..
How I wish that at times like this I had a gun by my side,
no not to shoot them, but instead to shoot myself.
I rather die than suffer the same shit from another person.

it isn't so

I thought i was,and maybe i am.
But for sure,just a little, and not much.
Crawling before i walk,walking before i run.
Im bound to fall once in a while.
And fall i have.
Flooding memories.
Mid-night wake ups in cold sweat.
Sweet dreams and brutal reality.
Words and actions.
Feel and think,it was all nothing more than a lie.
Blame my insecurities,but please show or tell me,it isnt so.
Laugh, funny, haha.
You wont be, when it happens to you.
And happen it will.
Coz even the best, fall down sometimes.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

life on the fast lane

need i say more?

Friday, January 12, 2007

rain rain go away

I’m in school, in the project room to be precise freezing my scrawny ass off despite the jacket I’m wearing. So there’s like 5people in here, including myself. How pathetic, should have stayed home instead to sleep. So I’m supposed to be working on my report for my final year project but as usual, I veered off course and started to chat on msn, blog surf and now blog. Brilliant I dare say, procrastination at its best. It’s raining cats and dogs now and I’m in no mood to work at all, all I’m thinking off is my bed at home. I’m heading to the tattoo shop at 230pm to accompany vind for his scorpion tattoo. Evil thought are forming at the back of my head, thinking of getting three small stars on my wrist. Should I ??

HAPPY 21st SMELLY BOY, see you tonight.

where's my moolah ?

I’m broke.
I hate the feeling.
Love it, hate it, can’t live without it.

But I'm still happy with what I have.

Alright back to work, have a good weekend people.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

hang in there....

So much deadlines to meet, yet so litttle time.
I've got to stop procrastinating, like for real.
I'm turning the big 21 in 2months.
I don't want to grow up.
So much responsibilities.
I miss being that little shaun aka shauny boy.
When i didn't know much about the world and when i only knew how to live for myself.
Ignorance IS bliss.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

hello stranger

Every morning, I open my eyes.
I still feel the same.
Everything’s the same.
Nothing has changed.
The unspeakable truth.
You're not around anymore.
When I turn over,
You're not there.
Even if you are,
It isn’t the same you.
You've broken me like no one has.
Both inside and out.
The cuts are just too deep.
More than a mere flesh wound.
I’m / I’ve lost.
Both me, and you.
Hello stranger.