Thursday, March 31, 2005

Nerd in the making

I lose all control when I see you standing there in front of me
Your style, your clothes, your hair you fair woman, you look so sexy
De way you wine and, de way you dance
And de way that you twist and turn your waist
Leaves me wanting, leaves me yearning
Leaves me feelin for a taste

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Long day

There's a light
A certain kind of light
That never shone on me
I want my life to be
To live with you
Live with you
Time check 11pm. Just got back home from school not too long ago. Yes you heard it alright, school. Really shagged now. Need a beer, fag, shower, food and music in no particular order.Will update tomorrow when the bloody Etech paper is over and done with. Hopefully I can scrap through so as to avoid seeing that useless lecturer next semester. Chao.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Don't judge a book by its cover

Disclaimer: If you do not appreciate racist jokes or if you are against racism, I strongly suggest you look away now.
Okay I heard this joke while having Easter lunch today at my grandparents house. My uncle, grandfather, aunty, my parents and I were enjoying a scrumptous spread when this joke was told.
Uncle : A 2 seater aircraft has crashed landed in a Malaysian graveyard. Emergency rescue teams has been activated and are at the crash site within 10minutes. After digging up 500 bodies, the rescue teams are still searching for more.
Get the joke???

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Mother nature is against me

fuck its raining
my plans are washed out
fuck mother nature

Friday, March 25, 2005

To be a better man

Why don't we break up
There's nothing left to say
I've got my eyes shut
Praying they won't stray
Oh we're not sexed up
That's what makes the difference today
I hope you blow away

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Decisions are really hard to make

When I'm feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I'll always be blessed with love
And as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bones
And when love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Maths suck

Okay just a word of advice, do not follow the above sentence unless you want to end up like me getting mediocre results for my exams. Okay I basically was in endless thoughts on my way home after studying in school and it chanced upon me that I hardly exercise my full potential in school. Yes I seriously feel that way, and its starting to get to me. My peers in school are aiming for As while I am just aiming to pass. Do you see the radical discrepancy?? Its not as if I cannot accomplish what they are aiming for, its just that I am just plain LAZY. I don't have what people call DETERMINATION or the DRIVE in me to do well. Sighs, I feel like a frog in a well, contented with life within the well. Damn you Damien Chew, I feel like shit now. No thanks to your frog in the well crap you told me back in st pats. Chao for now.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Where am I heading to in life??
I'm lying on my bed now, with a steady surge of thoughts going through my mind like the rush hour crowd at an mrt station. I seriously need to consider what I really want in the future, I can't go on living my life on a day to day basis. Seriously it's getting really monotonous, I need an aspiration to work towards too. Well exams are going to be here in a blink of the eye and before you know it, it's the holidays. Time is just flying by me like a hot knife through butter. Okay going to have a fag now, be back later with more of my nonsensical rubbish.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Your attitude determines your success

"If you don't help yourself, even GOD cannot help you"
By: Mr F.J.K
These are wise words from a very wise man. Just sit back and ponder over this sentence because it has really helped me to see things in a different perspective.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

$$$$$ makes the world go round

Bank Balance as of 20th March 2005 = $6.00
I am officially broke this month according to my bank balance. Sighs. At times like this I start to wonder what the hell I spend my money on. To further add to the emotional turmoil I am going through now due to my financial situation, my freaking exams are near. As usual I have been slacking since the start of the semester and now, I have to face the reality of me failing in one or more modules. Damn, I suddenly realise the importance of staying awake in lectures, coming on time and even attending lectures. Argh its too late to start pondering and regretting over these trivial matters now because I have got exams to worry about. Okay schedule for the coming week is going to just plain straight 100% revision. No more procrastinating for me.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I'm going downhill from here onwards

Failure is approaching in less than 12hours. When the 12hours is up tomorrow at 10am, I will have officially failed my E-TECH paper thus increasing my chances of retaking this module again next semester. I really wanted to study for the paper but I can't. Its not as though I did not try, its just that I have not studied for it since the start of the semester and I guess its too late to play catch up. I feel really fustrated and although I might not show it on the outside, inside my mind its like the tsunami aftermath, chaos and destruction everywhere. FUCK why am I screwing up my studies.



Wednesday, March 16, 2005


testing testing 1 2 3, everybody heres a big monkey.