Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Maths suck

Okay just a word of advice, do not follow the above sentence unless you want to end up like me getting mediocre results for my exams. Okay I basically was in endless thoughts on my way home after studying in school and it chanced upon me that I hardly exercise my full potential in school. Yes I seriously feel that way, and its starting to get to me. My peers in school are aiming for As while I am just aiming to pass. Do you see the radical discrepancy?? Its not as if I cannot accomplish what they are aiming for, its just that I am just plain LAZY. I don't have what people call DETERMINATION or the DRIVE in me to do well. Sighs, I feel like a frog in a well, contented with life within the well. Damn you Damien Chew, I feel like shit now. No thanks to your frog in the well crap you told me back in st pats. Chao for now.


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