Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sir yes sir.

School starts tomorrow, back to my structured life. A life so monotonous I want to kill myself, but can't bring myself to do it. Sighs. Long train rides back and forth to school. Smoke breaks ever so often. Boring lectures which never seem to end. Fuck why can't I just have loads of money so that I can buy a degree and forget about studies. Damn even better if I had parents with shit loads of money who wouldn't even cringe when splurging on a multi million jet plane? Okay back to reality, its time I started getting decent grades and not the mediocre ones I have achieved for the last two semesters. No more C's and D's for me. From this moment on its going to be shit loads of A's. Alright am fucking talking shit now as i have a throbbing headache and a hungry stomach. Instant noodles here I come.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Fuck with me and die you shall.

Friday, May 20, 2005

The perfect breakfast

My freaking lifestyle is very undesirable now man. I sleep at the crack of dawn and get up when I smell lunch. Fucking fantastic right. I hardly exercise unless you count walking to the coffeeshop for supper or to the mama shop to get fags as exercise. Oh and I started smoking again after 3weeks of abstinence due to my trip to JB. My god the fags there was dirt cheap, like 3sing a pack. Anyway, schools going to start soon and that means getting up early once again, which I reckon is going to be a tough task for me. This semester's timetable is pretty slack and I am bloody sure I will skip lectures again, but than again what's new? Its lunch time now and there's no food in the house. FUCK! For those kind souls out there can you get me the following for lunch? Thanks a million. StarWars here i come.

A mug of beer to wash it all down.

Extra honey please.

A great way to start a day. With a fag.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Look back, Think back

Ever since I could remember, I have always been reminded or should I say imparted with a certain moral value which I never really understood till a sad moment happened in my life a few years back. The day my grandfather, Henry Lionel Estrop passed away. I have always been told and reminded that I should always be there for the living, and not the dead. Think about it, no point crying beside your loved ones when they are in a coffin when you did not even bother talking to them when they were alive and kicking. Agree? My memories with reference to my grandfather have always been simple and incredible ones, littered with a few unpleasant moments. But at the end of the day, I knew he loved me with all his heart. The times I spent with him cannot be bought with money as I really treasure those moments. From cleaning his battery operated shavers to buying his cough sweets from the mama shop. Even listening to him sing his favorite Tom Jones songs to helping him oil his rusty gym equipment, I really treasure those memories. To me, he was a good man, with a heart of gold. He will always be my grandfather, my idol. I never really liked the ideal of certain relatives crying their lungs out during his wake because of one fact, they weren't concern about him when he was alive and now that he has passed away, they come crying? I seriously didn't see the point. To further frustrate me, immediately after the wake you ask my grandmother where was grandpa's Rolex? What the fucking hell is wrong with you! Seriously, I despise people like you and it humiliates me to be related to you. Alright I'm going to stop here for now. To grandpa, you will always be in my heart.

Friday, May 06, 2005

The DJ keeps on spinning the cut

It's a freaking friday night, and everyones partying. But no, yours truely is staying home because he has no mood to club.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Let me blow your mind

In life, we are never satisfied and grateful with what we have. Seriously speaking, can anyone of you touch your heart and say that you have never complained about stuff such as not being able to get an Xbox or a new Mp3 player from your parents? Or even complained about the air conditioning unit not being able to work below the 20degrees mark? For the love of god, be grateful with what you have. I am not being a hypocrite by saying I dont complain but I am merely pointing out to you things which we people do that show how ungrateful we really are. We complain everytime our parents refuse to give us more money. But have you spared a thought for the teenage girl who works part time as a hostess to earn enough money to buy her little brother his school books? Or even spared a though for the African kid who plucks vegetables from the sun dried soil as though his plucking nails from a cement block? Damn people, its time to wake up and be a little more grateful. Stop taking things for granted.

It's like that ya'all

No point in whining or crying at the mistakes you have made in the past. Seriously, because it's only going to hold you back from moving forward to the future and the worst thing is you will miss the present when you do that. So what if you have made mistakes, LEARN from it, do not just stand there and start to bitch about it. Look at a perfect example, Donald Trump. The mother fucking rich man who has a shit load of money and assets to his name. He made a hell of a mistake which made him a bankrupt overnight. What did he do? Bitch? Whine? NO, he set out to recapture what he had lost and ultimately made more money than he had started out with. The bottom line is to learn from your mistakes. It's alright to make them, but never repeat the same mistake again. Alright will stop here for now, and before I forget I just uploaded a new song for my blog.