Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sir yes sir.

School starts tomorrow, back to my structured life. A life so monotonous I want to kill myself, but can't bring myself to do it. Sighs. Long train rides back and forth to school. Smoke breaks ever so often. Boring lectures which never seem to end. Fuck why can't I just have loads of money so that I can buy a degree and forget about studies. Damn even better if I had parents with shit loads of money who wouldn't even cringe when splurging on a multi million jet plane? Okay back to reality, its time I started getting decent grades and not the mediocre ones I have achieved for the last two semesters. No more C's and D's for me. From this moment on its going to be shit loads of A's. Alright am fucking talking shit now as i have a throbbing headache and a hungry stomach. Instant noodles here I come.


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