Wednesday, June 29, 2005


To leave class an hour early or to stay. That is the bloody question.
Let me ponder over it.
Fuck it let's go !!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

black and white photographs can never go wrong.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Looking puzzled in a daze

A billion feelings are running through my mind now. Just can't fathom the reasons why. I seriously need a fucking dose of alcohol.

Monday, June 20, 2005


The damage is done, the dust has settled and I guess its time for me to move on. Well I guess whoever was responsible for that brazen act deserves to be shot in the head. All I have to say to the person who’s responsible is remember this. What goes around comes around.

Anyway, I have been reading in the papers recently about a blogger who posted a nude picture of herself on her blog ( To me it's very simple, it's her blog and she's free to do whatever she wants with it. I just don't get it when people start criticizing her actions and also the shape of her breasts. Yes, her breasts. Like what the fuck? So what if she likes posting nude pictures of herself, in all honesty the pictures were tastefully taken and there was nothing sleazy about them. In my opinion, the pictures were like art, so too bad for those who can’t appreciate them. Dumb fucks!

Furthermore who are they, the blogger's, media and generally society to judge her? It's her blog, her picture and her decision so we just got to respect it. Just because most people don't have the guts or balls to post their own nude picture on the internet does not make her an alien, a reject in society or plainly a slut in her case. Just because someone doesn’t follow the norm makes the person a reject of society, a pest an eye sore.

For the love of god, Singaporeans have just got to be more open. Stop living in the sixties.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Screwed up Society

Fucking pissed off now. I need a beer. Maybe a fucking bottle of tequila to just bring me to a fucking high so as to forget what has just happened. Just when I thought I was ending my day on a fucking high note by winning two packs of smokes from Randall. I was wrong. My joy was short lived and it came crashing down like a meteorite from space. I seriously feel like I have just received a sucker punch. Just thinking of it makes me sick to the core. No fucking respect. The bloody audacity to pull off a stunt like that in my house, in my room. Son of a bitch. This was meant for friday but was too fucking pissed off to post it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Reality sucks

Life's been pretty mundane these past few days except for the occasional dumb incidents which will crack me up. Well today I finally realized or should I say was pushed down to reality from cloud nine and saw how far back I was compared to my other classmates while doing a small quiz for my Computer Aided Design module. I was basically like a fish out of water or even like a bird without wings. I was flabbergasted, stunned, bewildered, no words could describe how I felt when I was staring at the question paper and at my almost blank computer screen. I was just lost. My mind was just blank like outer space. Seriously speaking, I hardly pay any attention in lectures except for one module. Fucked up right? My attendance is also another area which is in desperate need of change. All I see when I look at my attendance is a capital L and a number beside it ranging from 10 to 30. Full marks for anyone who guesses right what the L and number stand for. But why am I just telling myself to buck up when all I do is just ask for more breaks and do nothing in lectures and tutorials? All talk no action. Bloody idiot I am. Study I shall. To the books I go. Why am starting to talk like yoda from star wars? Oh and today I bought 8guppies for god knows what reason. Maybe I will strike toto tomorrow? We shall see.

Alcohol and Fags, my best friends in the whole world.And the two fools beside me also.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Romeo and Juliet

So I was bored to tears while in lecture so I started to scribble this down in my notebook. Laugh if you want too because I don’t give a damn. It's half done so just bear with it till i get it done. Enjoy.
Boredom Leads To Creativity
Sitting in class, doing zilch
Than I start to feel an itch
So here I am, scribbling this down
While my lecturer's staring at me like a clown
Somehow I just can't concentrate
Maybe I need a smoke break

Thursday, June 09, 2005

So here I am, sprawled on my bed like a bedspread, staring at my laptop while my mind wonders off to dream land. Well today I received my first warning letter of the semester and somehow I feel proud of myself when compared to last semester, I received far more warning letters by the third week of school. Great improvement I guess. Okay now for some random thoughts which are being churned out by my brain.
Firstly, have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be ostracized by your peers? You know there's like this one kid in your secondary school which was always bullied and frown upon by the majority? Have you ever thought about his feelings? Or even sincerely asked if he was alright after being bashed by a bunch of people in the name of fun?
Next up is simple courtesy, which sadly is lacking in many people. For example when someone opens the door for you do you thank them? Or even when the hawker brings you your noodles or chicken rice, do you even bother to say thank you? I have seen many people who don't give two flying fucks when faced by situations I have said above. Come on, a simple thank you won't hurt right? Show some manners for the love of god.
Okay enough for now, will be back with more next time.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Beautiful isn't it?