Monday, June 20, 2005


The damage is done, the dust has settled and I guess its time for me to move on. Well I guess whoever was responsible for that brazen act deserves to be shot in the head. All I have to say to the person who’s responsible is remember this. What goes around comes around.

Anyway, I have been reading in the papers recently about a blogger who posted a nude picture of herself on her blog ( To me it's very simple, it's her blog and she's free to do whatever she wants with it. I just don't get it when people start criticizing her actions and also the shape of her breasts. Yes, her breasts. Like what the fuck? So what if she likes posting nude pictures of herself, in all honesty the pictures were tastefully taken and there was nothing sleazy about them. In my opinion, the pictures were like art, so too bad for those who can’t appreciate them. Dumb fucks!

Furthermore who are they, the blogger's, media and generally society to judge her? It's her blog, her picture and her decision so we just got to respect it. Just because most people don't have the guts or balls to post their own nude picture on the internet does not make her an alien, a reject in society or plainly a slut in her case. Just because someone doesn’t follow the norm makes the person a reject of society, a pest an eye sore.

For the love of god, Singaporeans have just got to be more open. Stop living in the sixties.


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