Thursday, June 09, 2005

So here I am, sprawled on my bed like a bedspread, staring at my laptop while my mind wonders off to dream land. Well today I received my first warning letter of the semester and somehow I feel proud of myself when compared to last semester, I received far more warning letters by the third week of school. Great improvement I guess. Okay now for some random thoughts which are being churned out by my brain.
Firstly, have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be ostracized by your peers? You know there's like this one kid in your secondary school which was always bullied and frown upon by the majority? Have you ever thought about his feelings? Or even sincerely asked if he was alright after being bashed by a bunch of people in the name of fun?
Next up is simple courtesy, which sadly is lacking in many people. For example when someone opens the door for you do you thank them? Or even when the hawker brings you your noodles or chicken rice, do you even bother to say thank you? I have seen many people who don't give two flying fucks when faced by situations I have said above. Come on, a simple thank you won't hurt right? Show some manners for the love of god.
Okay enough for now, will be back with more next time.


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