Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I vividly remember saying to my classmates at the start of this semester that I didn’t have any reason to be late for any classes this semester as all the classes started at 10am except on Friday which starts at 8am (which means I will be late). Needless to say, I started turning up late after the first week of school. I’m full of bullshit. Let’s see how many warning letters I get this semester. It’s raining now, I'm slumped on my couch watching CSI MIAMI while typing this entry,replying to sms on my handphone and snacking on my MR PRINGLES (original, which means slightly salted for those living in the stone age). Talk about multi tasking. Today was spent bumming around my home, wasn’t in the mood to step outside. Basically, it was a plain boring day spent at home. Thank god I have my laptop, book, cigarette and junk food to accompany me. Oh and today I fucked four persistent people up on the phone after they insisted that they got the correct number. Do I sound like “Ah Seng” or “Abdul” or even “Raj” to you? Even after telling them they dialed the wrong number twice, they call the third time asking for the same person. Fucking irritating I tell you. It’s a boring day with Shaun at home I tell you. Tomorrow’s Wednesday which means……….Ladies Night or Mambo Night. But I shall stay home and study. Friday and Saturday I will stay home too. Why do I get the feeling that people are doubting that I won’t stay home?


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