Sunday, November 20, 2005

In conclusion........

Let’s see, Friday was spent at Zouk, Phuture to be exact. Total participants that night, 15 people I guess. Let’s see, Joshua, Shaun Cheong and girlfriend, Samuel, Faith, Raymond, Deon, Nigel, Patrick, Shaun Cross, Daniel (I think that was his name), Khaushal (birthday boy), Darren and me. The night started off with 16jugs and 20shots of various concoctions of alcohol. After several yum sengs and bottoms up, most of us ended up fucking high. Khaushal Happy Birthday man, hope you had a blast. To Deon, sorry about burning you with my cigarette man, thousand apologies it was an accident. It was a blast at Phuture but the hangover the next day was a bummer.
Saturday was spent at my grandparents place to celebrate their wedding anniversary and my grandfather’s belated 88th birthday. Left after having dinner and proceeded home before heading to Desire2 and Obar with Lionel, Dylan, Samantha, Ashok and David. Reached home at 5am and knocked out.
To my dear sister, look after yourself and please make decisions using your head and not our heart. If anything happens I’m always here to help you ok.


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