Tuesday, August 15, 2006

family matters

Random conversations at home ..
Mum says “No girlfriend ah?”
I reply “Don’t have, no money. Increase my allowance la maybe can find one”.
Dad says “Go find a job than got more money”.
Me “gives the what the hell look “.
Mum says “Sure not, every night go out till late than say no girlfriend”.
I reply “Bluff you for what, no money to take what”.
Mum says “You better not bring home a pregnant girl ah”.
Mum continues “Even worst if she has a tattoo or smokes, you know what will happen”.
I reply “Hahaha don’t worry I won’t “.
Me “shows them a few tattoo designs “
Dad says “Please ah no more. The first one was for your grandfather so now for whom?”
I reply “Myself la. I want to put it on my left leg or rib cage”.
Dad says “Please stop it”.
Me “Gives the cheeky smile”.

That’s my parents for you people. Their pretty cool people I must say. Very open minded yet quite strict when the need calls for it. Sometimes I just wonder what are they thinking when they approach me for advice and even ask me to hear their problems.

I still remember when I told them about the tattoo. I said I did a dragon on my back and their immediate reactions were “Oh my god, don’t bluff let me see” and “Idiot, quick show me”. Hahaha I still remember their faces at that very moment. After showing them the real one, my mum says “why never do in color?” That’s my parents for you people.


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