Friday, November 03, 2006

keeping my mind busy.. so it dosen't start creating problems

Time check 1.30am.

Recap of Wednesday night at Zouk and Paramount. As usual, my nights out usually involve the consumption of alcohol and Wednesday night was not an exception. Headed to Christopher’s dad’s pub for “some” drinks before heading to Zouk but as usual, the clowns mainly Ara, Chris, Josh, Lawlor and myself have no discipline what so ever and had a tad to much to drink. By the time we left, Chris was not walking straight, Ara and I were laughing at everything and anything and Lawlor was taking a piss outside the drain. Josh needless to say was being his usual self, a pain in the ass. Period.

Arrived at Zouk, got stamped and immediately my hands were carrying jugs of long island tea and vodka redbull. Don’t ask how I got them because I don’t know either. Basically throughout the whole night, I had endless drinks thanks to so many people. Samantha, Candice, Ben, Johnny and Jolin joined us before we headed to members for a little retro. Supper at Spize before I headed home, and I didn’t even finish my mee hongkong.

Woke up on Thursday, with a freaking headache, an itchy throat and I’m not kidding, hiccups. My god the hiccups have been going on since last night and even through supper just now. So irritating! Arrived in school freaking late, 12pm I suppose although I have to clock in at 9am. Damn my supervisor must be pissing mad at me by now. Was busy in school till 5plus before I rushed home for a quick shower then to town to watch a movie. Supper at 85 with Kelly, Lawlor, Vanessa, Tristan, Shawn, Joshua, Ara and Liwen after that. Ok that’s all I’m going to write because I got a presentation tomorrow and I’ve not started on anything. Going to burn the midnight oil now.

Thanks guys and girls. It’s nice knowing that when shit hits the fan, you guys will always be by my side. Love you people loads.


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