Saturday, December 31, 2005

It's coming.......

With a blink of the eye, 2005 will be gone in a flash. Time really flies by especially when you’re having fun. I must say a big thank you to everyone in my life for making 2005 one of the best, if not THE BEST years of my life. No doubt I have had a rollercoaster ride this year, it has allowed me to grow into a better person and overall be a better man. I have done things which I never thought of doing in the past but have done so recently which I don’t regret and come to think of it, will definitely be an integral part of my growing up days.

To the new friend’s I have made, thank you for coming into my life. You guys have, in one way or another managed to make me happy even though you might not realize it. Some of you guys have even turned out to be my “brothers and sisters”; in a sense that we have grown to be so close over a mere few months since we got to know each other.

To my old friends, thank you for staying by my side after all these years. I know that I might not have been spending much time catching up with you guys, but I hope that you guys will turn to me whenever you guys are in trouble, because I will be there for you. You guys have really contributed to what I am today; you guys have helped to mould me into the person I am now. Thanks.

To the acquaintances, thanks for floating in and out of my life. Seriously speaking, I might detest people like you but you guys have managed to change my judgment on certain people. You guys have shown me another side of life, which I shall not elaborate on as it might lead to some misinterpretation.

To my family, thanks for tolerating my nonsense. Seriously you guys are my main pillar of strength. I love you guys to the core and I reiterate this, I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you. I never knew the importance of family only after grandpa died and since then, I have always tried to make you guys my priority. To my dear sister, look after yourself and Justin. Hope you guys have a good time together.

New Year’s Resolutions.

1) Get my driving license.
(Like really get serious about it. Study for the theory papers.)

2) Try and get serious about my studies. Achieve better grades.

3) Club less and hopefully quit smoking.
(Being a social smoker is another alternative.)

4) Learn to appreciate Tofu and sushi.
(So I can have a decent meal with ************.)


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