Monday, December 05, 2005

For good times and bad....

“Friendship”, merely a word to some but to others, it represents a life long relationship with an individual. Some people take friendships very lightly while others treasure them dearly. Which category do u fall into? Honestly speaking, I admit that I have taken some friendships very lightly by letting my immaturity and pride get in the way and in due course, regretted that decision. But isn’t life all about learning from ones mistakes? From the bottom of my heart, I apologize to those people whom I have hurt or taken advantage of when they treated me as their friend.

Now, I have also realized that some people make friends with the more “popular” ones in their social circle so as to be deemed “cool” by their peers. I seriously despise such individuals because I feel that they are lacking maturity as well as intelligence. These people are the ones who will dress like their so called “idols” and just completely lose sense of their individuality. If they assume that by being an exact duplicate of their “idol” means being “cool”, than sadly I shall have to break the news to them that they are wrong!! If someone can’t accept you for who you are, than I can safely say that they aren’t fit to be your friends. Just take a minute to think about it.

Basically the bottom line is are you the kind of person who does not give a damn about the friendships you have made or are you the total opposite?


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