Friday, January 27, 2006

how random can people get?

Where's my weekly dosage of alcohol and music?
I've not had it for 2 weeks already.
I'm in desperate need for a quick fix.
Maybe I should just stay home and drink coffee?
Ok on second thoughts, hell no.
So many options available, but so little time to consider.
Maybe home is not that bad an idea.
Can’t wait for Monday to come, Paul Van Dyke is spinning.
Zouk will be the location.
Screw it, I’m off.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

comedy central

Joke of the day.
"I'm still at the hair cutting place".

Sunday, January 22, 2006


So after a long-lasting conversation with a friend last night (I didn’t club this weekend again for your information), she asked me a really commendable question considering the countless stupid ones she has asked in the past.

“Name me the three most important things in your life in no particular order.”

So I gave her a reply with such lightning speed which I guess left her flabbergasted; I could tell because there was like a colossal time of silence before the she spoke again. So I told her that it was instilled in me in all my years of growing up and therefore I knew the answers like the back of my hand. As such, I will share with you people the reasons behind my answers.

1. Family
Since I could remember, my parents have constantly reminded me the significance of family ties and that no matter what happens in my life, my family will always be there for me. Personally, I totally agree with what I was told and I definitely won’t argue with the fact that my family has always been there for me through good and bad times, even though we might have arguments due to our different opinions on certain issues and even the occasional shouting bout, or even the cold shoulder treatment we dish out to each other, at the end of the day we still love each other.

2. Religion
I might not be a hard core church going guy but I still pray alright. For me it’s simple, I don’t need to prove to people by going to church that I am a good catholic. Seriously speaking, most people go to church just to fulfill an obligation, some are worst; they go to church to gossip. Like what the fuck, gossip. You people know who you are you double faced fools. As I was saying, for me religion is something no one can take away from me unlike materialistic stuff. For me, my religion allows me to confide in “someone”, someone to turn too spiritually. Every once in awhile, I take some time to just reflect on my life, the thing I have done and this is when my religion comes in. Furthermore, at certain times in my life when I’m faced with an obstacle, I turn to my religion to help motivate me and to be my guiding light.

3. Friends
Lastly, friends, people who have helped me in one way or another in my eventful life. No amount money will be able to pay for the memories and lessons you guys have shared with me. Be it my close friends and even acquaintances, you people have managed to make my life somewhat meaningful and it’s just a pleasure to have you guys around. Although I might have a few friends who drift in and out of my life, some who take our friendship lightly and even those who truly care for me, I must say I love you guys a lot.

So now you guys try and answer the question. Take some time to search your heart for the answer. Trust me it helps you to see what are the important things in your life and not just the materialistic things.

Ps: I didn’t club this weekend again. Now who’s the discipline one? *points finger at self*

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

dance with me will you?

Recently, a few friends of mine *no names will be mentioned to protect their identities* were whining to me about my recent line up of emo entries and one even commented, I quote “I didn’t expect those entries to come from you; you’re always the cheerful one”. Then it suddenly dawned upon me that people viewed me as a clown, conceivably as a friend with a mask of a clown on his face. Alright maybe I’m being paranoid and just assuming too much or perhaps they just portray me as a happy go lucky kind of guy with no worries in the world. But as a matter of fact I have problems, the only things is I keep them to myself. It might be an unhealthy practice to do so but that’s how I deal with my problems. But before you guys start consoling me and that entire drama mamma segment, I’m alright okay. I’ve been given another chance; I’ve still got a shot at it. * inserts a little dance and balloons*

Alright back to reality, which sadly no one likes. So I’ve been infected by the irritating flu bug which kept me coughing like a dog, but before you people start going into a shopping frenzy buying me chicken essence, vitamins and all that extravagant stuff, I’ve recovered already but not yet to one hundred percent furthermore I don’t need all those materialistic stuff to help me recover, just some TLC will do *winks*. So just some advice to my dear friends, take good care of your health, drink loads of water and all that crap which the doctor usually says to you which I am too lazy to reiterate.

I want to club tomorrow. Ladies night. Alcohol. Music. But I told myself no. Why you might ask? I too don’t have an answer. Disciplined I shall be, home I shall stay at.

I'm a big baby. What you going to do about it?

Monday, January 16, 2006

cough cough....

Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick
sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick

Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
sick sick sick sick sick sick sick

Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
sick sick sick sick
sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
sick sick sick

I'm sure by now you have guessed it right? Yes i'm sick.....

Sunday, January 15, 2006

chain of words

So all this while I was blinded by the white light
Too caught up in my so called nightlife

Too stupid to have not seen what was before me
Until it was too late for me to react

As such I have suffered the consequences of life
I’ve definitely lost a huge prize

Nothing I say and nothing I do
Can even be enough to bring me back to you

I once said I liked the ways things are
But I made a wrong decision which I sorely regret

So now here I am hoping in vain
For something to happen which might seem insane

It’s time I started to move on with my life
To you I bid my final goodbye

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Words not said, two hearts bled
All I am left now is my regret
I loved and Lost
And it is all my fault
All is lost now
Because of my cowardice
She now is gone
In anger and in fear
I held her not near
So she ran away
Never to turn back again
And now I am left with my regret
Because hearts bled by what was not said.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

my life's a mess

If I wanted to salvage the situation would you let me?

Monday, January 09, 2006

So near, yet so far

I will be a better person.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

What a jerk.......Not you.........Me.....

It has become only a dream now. I guess I didn't keep to my word. Sorry.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Should have dropped an indian accent to cut the awkardness....

An awkward moment happened, while I was smoking on my way back from getting supper.

Uncle : Boy ah, got lighter bo ?
Me : Here you go uncle. *passes the lighter*
Uncle : Kiam sia ah boy.
Me : No problem.
Uncle : *proceeds to walk away with my lighter*
Me : *standing like a idiot with a packet of noodles*

After 15seconds

Me : *thinking to myself what the fuck, an old uncle just con me of a lighter*

After another 20seconds

Me : *still standing at the same spot hoping for the uncle to turn around and return the lighter to me*

After another 20seconds

Me : *forget it, i'll just be nice and let him have it*

Now you tell me, who's the big bully.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Now how's that.....

I want to know where I stand in your life. Although I don’t really loathe the situation we are in now, somehow I feel like you’re holding me back, in a sense that I’m hoping that something might develop, even though I hardly try to make something out of what we have. It might sound weird, but I feel like I need a tangible answer, something which will help me make a decision. It’s really hilarious how I can feel this way, when it was me in the first place who asked for the situation to remain as it is now. I sound really bamboozled, and I definitely am. Maybe it’s the alcohol I drank a few minutes ago coming into play. You don’t need to answer me, because you are not obligated too. Friends we will be, no matter what happens.

So tomorrow, my exams will officially start and it’ll last for a full week. Depressing week ahead I can foretell. I better hit the books. Peace out. Till next time, when the cookie crumbles.

My new number: 96804241