Monday, January 02, 2006

Now how's that.....

I want to know where I stand in your life. Although I don’t really loathe the situation we are in now, somehow I feel like you’re holding me back, in a sense that I’m hoping that something might develop, even though I hardly try to make something out of what we have. It might sound weird, but I feel like I need a tangible answer, something which will help me make a decision. It’s really hilarious how I can feel this way, when it was me in the first place who asked for the situation to remain as it is now. I sound really bamboozled, and I definitely am. Maybe it’s the alcohol I drank a few minutes ago coming into play. You don’t need to answer me, because you are not obligated too. Friends we will be, no matter what happens.

So tomorrow, my exams will officially start and it’ll last for a full week. Depressing week ahead I can foretell. I better hit the books. Peace out. Till next time, when the cookie crumbles.

My new number: 96804241


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