Wednesday, January 18, 2006

dance with me will you?

Recently, a few friends of mine *no names will be mentioned to protect their identities* were whining to me about my recent line up of emo entries and one even commented, I quote “I didn’t expect those entries to come from you; you’re always the cheerful one”. Then it suddenly dawned upon me that people viewed me as a clown, conceivably as a friend with a mask of a clown on his face. Alright maybe I’m being paranoid and just assuming too much or perhaps they just portray me as a happy go lucky kind of guy with no worries in the world. But as a matter of fact I have problems, the only things is I keep them to myself. It might be an unhealthy practice to do so but that’s how I deal with my problems. But before you guys start consoling me and that entire drama mamma segment, I’m alright okay. I’ve been given another chance; I’ve still got a shot at it. * inserts a little dance and balloons*

Alright back to reality, which sadly no one likes. So I’ve been infected by the irritating flu bug which kept me coughing like a dog, but before you people start going into a shopping frenzy buying me chicken essence, vitamins and all that extravagant stuff, I’ve recovered already but not yet to one hundred percent furthermore I don’t need all those materialistic stuff to help me recover, just some TLC will do *winks*. So just some advice to my dear friends, take good care of your health, drink loads of water and all that crap which the doctor usually says to you which I am too lazy to reiterate.

I want to club tomorrow. Ladies night. Alcohol. Music. But I told myself no. Why you might ask? I too don’t have an answer. Disciplined I shall be, home I shall stay at.

I'm a big baby. What you going to do about it?


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