Tuesday, August 29, 2006

be the love generation

So I decided to skip school today because, well I felt sick. I’ve got like this itch in my throat since last night which is pissing the daylights out of me. I can’t smoke any more than two puffs from my cigarette before I break out in a chorus of coughs. ARGH !!! As usual my day at home was rather unproductive. Efforts to clean up my messy room quickly dissipated. I found myself listening to retro music on my lappy and within seconds, started to mimic the moves you see on Mambo Nights. I’m itching to head down to Zouk on Wednesday man but I might need to help out friend first. Something tells me I might not make it to Zouk if I follow him man. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that I’ll make it to Zouk.

Call me people if you’re heading to MAMBO tomorrow.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


To All Project Option Students

With effect from Monday 28 Aug 2006, the Centre will implement a new webcam-based attendance system at EPP Room. It's quite simple and takes only 5 sec. All you need to do is
1. Sit on the chair provided
2. Select your name
3. Click SIGN IN (before 9:00 am - look at the webcam when you do so)

The same goes at 5:00 pm but you click SIGN OUT instead. If proved effective, the signing procedure will be slowly phased out.

A few of you are here for a special make-up till 31 Aug 2006 because your Project results are pending. They are: Xiong Yan, Ying Huimin, Admus Yip and Tang Xiao Jie. It is important that you work closely with your Supervisor and TSO to prove that you deserve a second chance. Pls notify Mr Wong for consolidated attendance.Thanks for your cooperation.


Just when we thought we had outsmarted the school’s attendance system, we were in for a rude shock. Here I am checking my e-mails on a Sunday afternoon deciding if I was going for evening mass when I came across the above e-mail. You guys should have seen the look on my face when I saw the words “webcam-based attendance system’. Fucking priceless!

The new attendance system is a tough one to try and overcome. Gone are the days, when I would stroll into the EPP room at 12 noon knowing at the back of my mind that some kind soul had signed my attendance for me at 830am so as to save my ass. No more signing out early as well. To make matter’s worst; no more using the projectors to view movies and worst still, we're not allowed to blast our own music using the speakers. Looks like no more Rnb in the room.

Furthermore, canteen 4 might be closed during the 7weeks holiday, which means we don’t have a smoking place anymore. No more chilling out at the canteen smoking and drinking. How demoralising.

Have a good day ahead people. You know i love you guys !

Saturday, August 26, 2006

it's in your eyes

Sorry guys for last night, I wasn’t in the mood to really do much. Joshua and Deon thanks a lot. You guys really knocked some sense into me. Ara, thanks for being so patience and listening to me. Appreciate it man. Don’t worry alright, I’ll bounce back I promise.

The question now I’ve got to ask myself.

“Is it really worth it? Are you what I’m looking for?”

Friday, August 25, 2006

i'll be there for you

Sometimes, all we need is a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

family matters

Random conversations at home ..
Mum says “No girlfriend ah?”
I reply “Don’t have, no money. Increase my allowance la maybe can find one”.
Dad says “Go find a job than got more money”.
Me “gives the what the hell look “.
Mum says “Sure not, every night go out till late than say no girlfriend”.
I reply “Bluff you for what, no money to take what”.
Mum says “You better not bring home a pregnant girl ah”.
Mum continues “Even worst if she has a tattoo or smokes, you know what will happen”.
I reply “Hahaha don’t worry I won’t “.
Me “shows them a few tattoo designs “
Dad says “Please ah no more. The first one was for your grandfather so now for whom?”
I reply “Myself la. I want to put it on my left leg or rib cage”.
Dad says “Please stop it”.
Me “Gives the cheeky smile”.

That’s my parents for you people. Their pretty cool people I must say. Very open minded yet quite strict when the need calls for it. Sometimes I just wonder what are they thinking when they approach me for advice and even ask me to hear their problems.

I still remember when I told them about the tattoo. I said I did a dragon on my back and their immediate reactions were “Oh my god, don’t bluff let me see” and “Idiot, quick show me”. Hahaha I still remember their faces at that very moment. After showing them the real one, my mum says “why never do in color?” That’s my parents for you people.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

what do i do to make myself happy?

Tuesday - drank at Cheeky Monkeys and Momo
Thursday - drank at Cube and MOS
Friday - drank at Zouk and a good friends place
Saturday - drank at Gothem Penthouse and MOS
Do i really need to club and drink so much?
Love you people.
I'm alright, just a little insecure.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Tuesday - drank at Cheeky Monkeys and Momo
Thursday - drank at Cube and MOS
Friday - plans to drink at Cube
Saturday - drinking session still pending
What the hells wrong with me. I’m starting to think that I’m a closet alcoholic. There’s never enough of alcohol for me. But deep down inside, I know the reason for drinking. It’s like a stress relieving activity for me, something to let me break free from the evil clutches of life. To simply put it to “travel” into another realm when I’m high just so I don’t remember anything. Somehow getting high is an enormous task nowadays. My alcohol resistance has gone up ten folds and it’s a nuisance trying to get high every time I drink. Fuck it. Life is just too short for me to start thinking of my problems.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


i feel the urge to get another one done...
the pain is just too addictive....
the needle piercing through ones skin is like a sick addiction...
feeling the outline getting done....
1needle to get the job done...
8needles to get the shading done....
just orgasmic...
the pain....
the numbness...