Friday, November 03, 2006

creatures of the night

The meeting with the supervisor’s and TSO’s didn’t go so well. Any idiot could tell the head supervisor also the resident asshole was showing favoritism towards his own group which, by the way didn’t do anything compared to the other two groups present. He even had the cheek to defend them by saying “they changed their ideas many times, which resulted in the delay of fabrication”. Wow, is that so? Hmmm, give them more time then, we don’t want to infringe on their creative juices. Dumb fucks.

So my group got fucked, by none other than the resident asshole, Mr Teh Bok Seng aka Mr Favoritism aka Dumbass. As I stood there, listening to him preach to my group about our slow pace of fabrication * pot calling the kettle black scenario at its best *, I turned to look at my group mates and all of us had the same look on our faces; the ‘shut up and fuck off look”. So after the dumbass left after giving us his speech, which made all of us happy, we decided to go smoke afterwards, what else. Left school at 4plus totally drained and pissed off.

Long train ride home alone, with Coldplay’s Fix You playing on my mp3. Going to crash now really tired. Tired of everything life has thrown at me.


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