Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Nothing much to shout about

How was school today? Fine I guess. Had lunch with Edmund and Kumar, followed by weird stories. Great conversational topics arose, from prostitution, to gay people, to Kumar getting bounced out of ONE @Fullerton (actually he got kicked out but bounced out sounds nicer). Yes Kumar, we all know you are a cheapskate. Didn’t go for FM tutorial therefore I stayed at canteen4 with Lionel, Kumar and Edmund just chilling out and more stories started to be told. By the way, Edmund was so happy he could smoke at canteen4, what the hell it’s a norm for us people who frequent the place.Left the canteen at 1pm and headed for the libary where I tried to study EM3B while the guys watched their movies, but sadly very little knowledge found its way into my brain. Had lecture from 3to5pm but thank god it ended early. Received offers to go club tonight but turned all of them down, I'm not clubbing anymore. Enough is enough.
Well recently I am into horoscopes and I can’t help but read mine every morning before I leave my home. Somehow it tends to tell me what is installed for me in the day ahead. Sometimes it freaks me out how accurate such things can be. At first I thought it was a coincidence and even thought I was just being paranoid so I decided to read my horoscope only when I get home. And to my astonishment, it was accurate. I swear I am getting addicted to this horoscope stuff. Well enough blogging for the day, supper is calling. Sorry Josh, won’t be going to Zouk tonight. Have fun man.

News Flash
Desire2 at MS has officially moved to 39B Circular Road. Will be operational by first week of december.
sign - sheratonBeansgate decorationUclocktLetters, ALetter Y

TO: Shaun Tay
kimmie although i failed to sing you a lullaby, i painstakingly found this for you. you must be touched that you'll cry & forget bout the prata too:))


Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I vividly remember saying to my classmates at the start of this semester that I didn’t have any reason to be late for any classes this semester as all the classes started at 10am except on Friday which starts at 8am (which means I will be late). Needless to say, I started turning up late after the first week of school. I’m full of bullshit. Let’s see how many warning letters I get this semester. It’s raining now, I'm slumped on my couch watching CSI MIAMI while typing this entry,replying to sms on my handphone and snacking on my MR PRINGLES (original, which means slightly salted for those living in the stone age). Talk about multi tasking. Today was spent bumming around my home, wasn’t in the mood to step outside. Basically, it was a plain boring day spent at home. Thank god I have my laptop, book, cigarette and junk food to accompany me. Oh and today I fucked four persistent people up on the phone after they insisted that they got the correct number. Do I sound like “Ah Seng” or “Abdul” or even “Raj” to you? Even after telling them they dialed the wrong number twice, they call the third time asking for the same person. Fucking irritating I tell you. It’s a boring day with Shaun at home I tell you. Tomorrow’s Wednesday which means……….Ladies Night or Mambo Night. But I shall stay home and study. Friday and Saturday I will stay home too. Why do I get the feeling that people are doubting that I won’t stay home?

Comments anyone?

I wonder how true this poster is????

Friday, November 25, 2005


I'm lagging far behind in school and its tough playing catch up.
I hate the feeling of being lost in a lecture.
I hate sitting in a tutorial class trying to solve questions which seem alien to me.
Fuck class.
Fuck school.
No point blaming everyone and everything.
The problem lies with me.
I need a solution before things turn really bad.
And I need it quick.
Party tonight anyone? Or should I stay home and study???

Sunday, November 20, 2005

In conclusion........

Let’s see, Friday was spent at Zouk, Phuture to be exact. Total participants that night, 15 people I guess. Let’s see, Joshua, Shaun Cheong and girlfriend, Samuel, Faith, Raymond, Deon, Nigel, Patrick, Shaun Cross, Daniel (I think that was his name), Khaushal (birthday boy), Darren and me. The night started off with 16jugs and 20shots of various concoctions of alcohol. After several yum sengs and bottoms up, most of us ended up fucking high. Khaushal Happy Birthday man, hope you had a blast. To Deon, sorry about burning you with my cigarette man, thousand apologies it was an accident. It was a blast at Phuture but the hangover the next day was a bummer.
Saturday was spent at my grandparents place to celebrate their wedding anniversary and my grandfather’s belated 88th birthday. Left after having dinner and proceeded home before heading to Desire2 and Obar with Lionel, Dylan, Samantha, Ashok and David. Reached home at 5am and knocked out.
To my dear sister, look after yourself and please make decisions using your head and not our heart. If anything happens I’m always here to help you ok.

Friday, November 18, 2005

It's a Friday night people

I'm torn between two decisions. My heart tells me to go for both but my wallet is begging for mercy. How can I satisfy both sides? To club tonight at Zouk or tomorrow at Obar and Desire2? Fuck man being absent at either one of them is not an option worth considering. Damn it I hate making such decisions and I will always take the easy way out and go for both. Damn it sounds like a good idea, going for both. Well school today was, how shall I describe it, SHORT. Didn’t go for my classes at 8am and only turned up for class at 3pm and finished at 5pm. I must say I am starting to go back to the days when I start received warning letters ever so often. Sighs, a leopard never changes it spots.

Let's party !!

Movement presents OUTRAGEOUS @ ONE ! 25th November, One Fullerton Level3. DMC champion Dj Rattle will be spinning Hip Hop RnB till 5am. Drinks going for $5 per glass $20 per jug and bottles going for $110 ALL night. Theres 3bottles to be won in a lucky draw so come on down ! Presale tickets going @$16. Don't miss this party of the year. Contact me for more details.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Open your eyes

A picture does nothing more than evoke the creativity in you.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Have a laugh

The owner of a drug store walks in to find a guy leaning heavily against a wall. The owner asks the clerk, "What's with that guy over there by the wall?"
The clerk says, "Well, he came in here this morning to get something for his cough. I couldn't find the cough syrup, so I gave him an entire bottle of laxative."
The owner says, "You idiot! You can't treat a cough with laxatives!"
The clerk says, "Oh yeah? Look at him, he's afraid to cough!"

Friday, November 11, 2005

Who are you to judge me ?

Just you wait and see, I will prove you wrong. Bloody bitch ! There's an old saying "Don't count your eggs before they hatch". After what you have said, I am fucking determined to prove you wrong. When I succeed, you better not let me bump into you on the road because when that happens, I shall show no mercy and make sure you eat your words.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Courtesy campaign please.

Say excuse me next time if you need space to move bitch. I won't be so kind the next time this happens. I hate uncultured, ill mannered and uncouth people like you. You deserve to be banned from all modes of public transport. What a way to end my day, bumping into people like you. I hope the next time you continue with your uncivilized act, you fall onto the Mrt tracks and get run over by the train. Rude BITCH!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Poll the audience

.I saw this shirt at Topman with this printed at the front.
I'm allergic to dogs but i'm alright with pussies.
Should i get it????

On the verge of collaspe

I swear yesterday at school was fucking filled with stupid yet hilarious incidents which I will remember for life. The icing on the cake has to go to this girl who tried to scare me in the lift. Let me paint you the picture. I walk into the lift with my mp3 nearly on full blast and press 4th floor and the close button. Before the doors can fully close shut, it begins to open again. Realizing someone wants to get in, I quickly pressed the open button and guess what happened? Some anonymous girl pops into view with her hands wide apart and shouts something. And guess what I did?? Shouted back “What the fuck!” and gave her the “you are an ultimate loser look”. Realizing she got the wrong target and worst still did not even make me frighten one bit, she embarrassingly walked into the lift with 2 friends in tow who were obviously embarrassed too and headed for the 3rd floor. Let me tell you, if you want to pull off such a prank on me I suggest getting the PUNK’D crew down because yours truly is the expert in playing such pranks. And if you were wondering if the girl was pretty, let’s give her an 7.5/10 just for trying that prank.

Alright heading to town later for coffee i guess. Might shop if anything fancy catches my eye. Chao people.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

When shit hits the fan.........

Let's all just stay out of this shit for a moment and let them solve it themselves. Seriously speaking, yes we are all good friends who are extremely concerned but aren't they the ones in the relationship? Furthermore if we all were to get involved, wouldn’t we just complicate matters or worst still split up the group into different fractions? Ever heard of the old saying “too many cooks spoil the broth”. I know it’s hard to just stand and watch their relationship fall apart but it’s only fair that we give them both a chance to trash it out and if push comes to shove, then we step in. Here’s an old saying to ponder upon.
There is never time to do it right, but there is always time to do it over.