Saturday, December 31, 2005

It's coming.......

With a blink of the eye, 2005 will be gone in a flash. Time really flies by especially when you’re having fun. I must say a big thank you to everyone in my life for making 2005 one of the best, if not THE BEST years of my life. No doubt I have had a rollercoaster ride this year, it has allowed me to grow into a better person and overall be a better man. I have done things which I never thought of doing in the past but have done so recently which I don’t regret and come to think of it, will definitely be an integral part of my growing up days.

To the new friend’s I have made, thank you for coming into my life. You guys have, in one way or another managed to make me happy even though you might not realize it. Some of you guys have even turned out to be my “brothers and sisters”; in a sense that we have grown to be so close over a mere few months since we got to know each other.

To my old friends, thank you for staying by my side after all these years. I know that I might not have been spending much time catching up with you guys, but I hope that you guys will turn to me whenever you guys are in trouble, because I will be there for you. You guys have really contributed to what I am today; you guys have helped to mould me into the person I am now. Thanks.

To the acquaintances, thanks for floating in and out of my life. Seriously speaking, I might detest people like you but you guys have managed to change my judgment on certain people. You guys have shown me another side of life, which I shall not elaborate on as it might lead to some misinterpretation.

To my family, thanks for tolerating my nonsense. Seriously you guys are my main pillar of strength. I love you guys to the core and I reiterate this, I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you. I never knew the importance of family only after grandpa died and since then, I have always tried to make you guys my priority. To my dear sister, look after yourself and Justin. Hope you guys have a good time together.

New Year’s Resolutions.

1) Get my driving license.
(Like really get serious about it. Study for the theory papers.)

2) Try and get serious about my studies. Achieve better grades.

3) Club less and hopefully quit smoking.
(Being a social smoker is another alternative.)

4) Learn to appreciate Tofu and sushi.
(So I can have a decent meal with ************.)

Friday, December 30, 2005

Let's get it on


Thursday, December 29, 2005

Results of braiding ones hair

That's the aftermath of doing braids to your hair. Stop laughing you fools.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Few hours more to christmas

The year is coming to an end, and I’m sure most of us are starting to reflect on the things which have happened during this year. But for the love of God, please do not start getting all teary eyed and fucking sappy with me. Anyway, I’m definitely looking forward to 2006 and I hope, and pray real hard that the coming year would be a great one not just for me, but for everyone. Christmas is less than 12hours away and somehow, I’m not in the mood for Christmas yet. Christmas had not been the same since my grandfather passed away 4years ago and this year will not be an exception. I suppose he was the “bonding agent” for my family. Oh well, hopefully things will change for the better in the coming new year because I really miss the old times.

Last night was my virgin trip to Ministry of Sound and I can’t describe the feeling I had when I stepped inside the club. Even before I entered, the amount of people queuing up was ridiculous and what made me even excited was the prospect of entering by the VIP entrance which meant no queuing. Thanks to Mark and Ronald for that. So we had a tour of the place and I was fucking in awe at the amount of detail and meticulous planning the management put into renovating the place and I must say they did a good job. The different rooms were a good change to the norm we see in every clubs and I must say the DJ’s there are fucking fantastic. I especially loved 2rooms mainly for their décor. Firstly Smoove, which plays RnB and has a caged dancefloor and the whole place, looks as though you are in a ghetto. Secondly 54 which plays retro and the whole place is decked out in psychedelic colors and designs. It even has a dancefloor with lighted panels. Ok you guys need to experience it for yourselves, only then can you comprehend what I’m trying to say.

It’s Christmas eve and I’ve got a family dinner soon. Seafood is what we’re having, that’s what i heard. After dinner most likely going down to MOS to party. Catch you guys soon.

Friday, December 23, 2005


I can feel the energy even before i leave my home.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Holiday !!!

Alright pictures from my trip to Bali. Enjoy.
Some pictures of my hotel and beach where I got my braids done.

Traditional Balinese dance called Barong & Rangda if I'm not wrong.

Pictures of some volcano's, coffee plantation and rice terraces. Truely a good experience.

Picture of my 2 best friends I made in Bali.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I'm leaving on a jet plane



Monday, December 12, 2005

I have a reindeer in my house !!!

My God this is freaking cute right. If your wondering whose dog this is, it's mine. Do not steal this picture and post it elsewhere unless you have permission from me.

you don't miss your water till the well runs dry

I feel fucking awful. You guys can’t imagine how unpleasant and shitty I am feeling now, something even words can’t describe. Somehow I feel like I have let someone down, someone whom I have feelings for. If only I could turn back the hands of time, and just stop for a moment to think instead of acting rashly like I did, than maybe I wouldn’t be feeling like this now. I guess this is the part where you guys go “YOU DESERVE IT IDIOT!”. I wish I could just hold you in my arms and pretend that nothing had happened but deep down inside I know I can’t, because I can’t forgive myself. Don’t ask me what happened because I don’t want to remember that moment ever again even though I know forgetting that moment will be even more difficult than remembering it. Argh fuck I feel like shit. Period.

Monday, December 05, 2005

For good times and bad....

“Friendship”, merely a word to some but to others, it represents a life long relationship with an individual. Some people take friendships very lightly while others treasure them dearly. Which category do u fall into? Honestly speaking, I admit that I have taken some friendships very lightly by letting my immaturity and pride get in the way and in due course, regretted that decision. But isn’t life all about learning from ones mistakes? From the bottom of my heart, I apologize to those people whom I have hurt or taken advantage of when they treated me as their friend.

Now, I have also realized that some people make friends with the more “popular” ones in their social circle so as to be deemed “cool” by their peers. I seriously despise such individuals because I feel that they are lacking maturity as well as intelligence. These people are the ones who will dress like their so called “idols” and just completely lose sense of their individuality. If they assume that by being an exact duplicate of their “idol” means being “cool”, than sadly I shall have to break the news to them that they are wrong!! If someone can’t accept you for who you are, than I can safely say that they aren’t fit to be your friends. Just take a minute to think about it.

Basically the bottom line is are you the kind of person who does not give a damn about the friendships you have made or are you the total opposite?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

She's back !!!!!

I’m a happy chinese boy !!
(i'm still part nigga when i'm under the influence of alcohol)
Saturday at Obar was fucking fantastic !! The music was off the hook, the atmosphere was electrifying, the crowd was awesome and the company I had was splendid. I've nothing more to say but this.
Mission accomplished. Done and dusted.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dedicated to my darling........

Just imagine, SHAUN TAY reaching school 30minutes before his lesson starts at 9am. Something very unrealistic right? Unimaginable perhaps? An inconceivable thought? Something which you might see on the show beyond belief? A Gotcha prank perhaps? For all those people who said that it wouldn’t happen, guess what it did!! Take that mother fucker!! I seriously arrived ridiculously early as I decided to get a lift from my mum who asked me to drop her off at work and continue talking the cab to school (beats standing in a sardine packed train and jerky bus ride anytime). School was a drag I tell you, furthermore I forgot to bring my phone to school. Major mood killer I swear, not being able to call anyone when you’re bored. Well all I looked forward too today was to get home ASAP to my darling. I missed the way she sounded, the feel of her body, the *claps sound* she made when I gently closed her flaps and the way she vibrated on my skin. At times like these, it teaches me to treasure her when she’s by my side and not take her for granted. Ok stop getting jealous people (yes you, don’t pretend).
Well I’m still lost in most lectures (ok all of the lectures) but I’m making the effort to pay a little more attention than usual in class now but its tough trying to learn stuff when my foundation is weak. Damn I deserve it I guess, for mucking around at the start of the semester. EM3B quiz tomorrow but I’m ill prepared, or should I say I’m ready to crash and burn. Hopefully the ashes of my math book mixed with water will do the trick. Just kidding people, loosen up will you. I’ll try and get some stuff in my head before I sit for the quiz. Well off I go for a relaxing smoke and a cold glass of orange juice.Oh before I forget, the other day a very queer thing happened while I was crossing the road at bugis. I was happily waiting for the pedestrian light to turn green will puffing on my cigarette and when I looked down I saw this written on the road. [This is the amount of tar you have in your lungs after 2years of smoking]. I started laughing out loud and unwittingly (had my mp3 on full blast so you must understand my situation), I was laughing so loud that the people surrounded me started to take a step back. I swear it happened. I threw my cigarette immediately and carried on laughing to myself oblivious to the people around me. This is the kind of moments in life whereby money can’t buy.