Thursday, October 12, 2006

i'm sad la.....i say we go drink

I failed my fucking driving test and I’m fucking angry at myself. I’m not going to blame anyone or anything except my fucking stupid self. Fucking pissed off now !! Fucking hell I feel so fucking useless now. What the flying fuck went fucking wrong ? Now I got to fucking wait till fucking January07 before I fucking can take the next fucking test. Fucking angry now la !!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK !!
Zouk last night was good. Everyone was happily high. Joshua, Aravind, Khaushal and Shaun are fucking crazy people. I wonder how the hell we can consume so much alcohol in one freaking night. 1litre Smirnoff bottle finished in under 30minutes, jugs of Long Island Tea gone in mere seconds. My god I had so much that I had to decline drinks from friends i met because i was high. But I just can't seem to remember what happened at Phuture.
Damn those mental blocks.


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