Wednesday, October 11, 2006

confucious say" pee against wind, thus pants get wet"

That moronic idiot got the freaking timing of my driving lesson wrong and furthermore didn’t apologize for waking me up at FUCKING 7AM. I tell you I’m boiling inside right now like a freaking volcano.


Its 730am now, and as I flipped my phone open to read a message I see the wallpaper and a smile just appears on my face. Glancing through my pictures and sweet memories start to flash across my mind. I wonder how she is doing now.

It’s a Wednesday and what happens on Wednesday night people? MAMBO NIGHT !! So I’ve got invites for tonight and it’s tempting but I want to stay home because my driving test is tomorrow afternoon and nursing a hangover is not a risk I’m willing to take.

Another party happening tomorrow night at MOS and I want to go also but I’ve got a meeting with the head of my department on Friday morning at 845am sharp. I tell you I’m definitely going to be late, and I have a feeling the meetings going to be linked to my attendance.

Friday has already been planned. Zouk will be the venue. Busy week up ahead I can foresee. My maid thinks I’m mad because I'm shouting at everything ranging from the computer mouse to my air-con to my lighter and even the dogs. Don’t ask me why I’m doing so.

Off to school.


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