Monday, October 09, 2006

can anyone please find me a sugar mummy?

Bank balance as of 9 October 2006 : $8.98
I swear my driving lessons are burning a hole big enough to park a Boeing747 with space for a Mercedes Benz S-class as well. Ok I'm exaggerating the situation just a little. Fine maybe too much but you get the point right? I'm broke even before I receive my allowance for the month because I've already taken an advance. I need a job badly or maybe a sugar mummy? Ok wishful thinking on my part.
So I might be working the whole of next week and just has luck has it, I start school also on the same week. So if I manage to get that job, what do I choose? Money or School? Hmmmmm.... Tough choice, but I'll go for the money. Furthermore I might get free drinks while working so it's an extra incentive to work. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get the job.


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