Monday, November 06, 2006

A tribute to the man i want to be when i grow up

Since I didn’t attend mass on All Soul’s Day, I’ve decided that I’m going to pay my late grandfather a tribute on my blog. Almost 6years have gone by since he last left us, but till this day I still miss him dearly. So here it goes a little insight on the man who is and forever will be the man I want to be when I grow up.

My grandfather, Henry Lionel Estrop of Danish & Dutch descendant, had a typical white-man look. Born and grew up in Taiping, Malaysia when his parents moved from Europe, he led a hard life. Came to Singapore to work for the British Police Force, and then married my grandmother at the age of 36. He looked after his family no matter what happened. His wife, children, grandchildren and even his only great grand child were his pride and joy. My grandfather was a very family orientated, generous and loving man.

Besides being fluent in several languages such as Malay, Portuguese and Tamil just to name a few, he was also very knowledgeable in medicine. Nicknamed the Doctor in the family, mainly because of his extensive knowledge he possessed on medicine. Anyone in the family, who fell sick, knew who to find.

When I was growing up, I remembered his making up songs for me whenever I fell sick. Not only did it make me feel better, he even managed to coax me into taking my medication by the songs he sang. One song in Malay appropriately named “Obat”, which when translated into English meant medicine still brings back memories. Come to think of it, I still remember some parts of the song. Hahaha

When I was in primary school, I remembered asking my grandfather the meaning of his tattoos. One of it caught the attention of my eye for a long time and I had to ask him about it. It was a heart-shaped tattoo, on his left arm with the words, "I love Ivy" on it.
He mentioned that Ivy was the love of his life but unfortunately circumstances didn't allow them to be together. So he then tattooed her name as he felt it was something whereby no one could ever take it away from him. It was a remembrance of their love. I found that to be so sweet. Didn't know my grandfather that sentimental.

I missed the times I had to prepare his meals for him. He was very particular about his meals. His meals had to be arranged out nicely for him. His favorite fruits cut, Ribena drink made and not forgetting his vitamins and pills nicely placed in his medicine cup. Oh and the biggest trait about him, SILENCE while he eats his meal. I know it from first hand experience, trust me shut your big mouth when he eats. Haha, I’m the only grandchild who has evoked the devil in him many a times and every time, he forgives me willingly. See he loves me load.

Come to think of it, I can still vividly remember him singing at every Christmas party we had in my home. Choice of song was none other than Tom Jones, It’s not unusual. Even though he sang it year after year, we were always happy whenever he sang it. The way he delivered the song, the way he looked at each and everyone while he sang and even the way he grooved to the music I can still remember clearly.

Times with my grandfather were always precious to me. I guess I had spent most of my time in the company of my grandfather. Be it just sitting down in the living room with him watching Tamil movies, which were his favorite, to having a quiet meal with him which unfortunately ends up in him asking me to shut up because I was too talkative and even to helping him run errands; I always enjoyed his company.

If I were to go on about him, I think I could spend months writing it out. Seriously, even till today, my family still misses him. Family occasions don’t seem to feel the same anymore. I guess he was the glue which kept the family together. Damn it, I don’t have a picture of him on my computer, shall go find one and post it here for all you guys to see next time.

Anyway, All Soul's Day is a Roman Catholic Day in remembrance of all love ones and friends who have passed on. It is a time to pray for their souls that they may be received into heaven. Upon death, it is believed that souls have not yet been cleansed of sin. Praying for souls of loved ones helps to remove the stain of sin, and allow the souls to enter the pearly gates of heaven.

To my loving Grandpa:
I pray that you'll be rest-assured as we are all doing fine & grandma is well. Do continue to look over & guide us always. Love you loads.


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