Saturday, November 11, 2006

cold saturday evening

It 10pm but I’m still home. Still contemplating if I should head to town to meet the rest but the weather’s like so conducive for sleeping. So no ones home now, got to idea where they went because they sort of left me behind after trying to wake me up from my slumber. I think my whole family is sort of used to my weekly routine of disappearing when its nightfall and coming home when it’s sunrise. Seriously, my parents are even considering locking me out of the house if I’m going to continue this lifestyle. Their complaining that my studies and health are being affected by my daily nocturnal excursions, which is true considering the amount of classes I’ve skipped this week alone.

On a brighter note, MOS last night was pretty fun. Met up with friends I’ve not hung out with for a long time, namely Eric, Tracy, Shaun C and Melvyn. So as usual, Melvyn the freaking devil decided that we needed alcohol so we order drinks and suddenly we had 8jugs of vodka cranberry on our table. Needless to say, Ara, Melvyn and I had to finish up the jugs because the rest don’t drink that much, surprisingly I was not high that night but freaking sober. Met Fabian my Obar khaki who also knew Melvyn, saw Jessie and Nadiah at the dancefloor and not forgetting Dal and Steff in members. Headed to Arab to meet the rest before heading home at 6am.

Ok I’m heading to town mainly because I’m bored at home. Have a good Saturday.


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