Tuesday, November 28, 2006

nothing interesting

I keep telling myself “I’m not clubbing tonight “but it never works. Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday I see myself facing the same situation over and over again. It’s like déjà vu. It’s like I’m in the movie Click, the only thing is someone else is holding the controller to my life and keeps hitting the replay button everytime Wed, Fri or Sat comes. Fuck I know the fault lies in me having no discipline whatsoever but just let me grumble on because I’m under a tremendous amount of stress, so just bear with me. Just last week, I was not going to club and what happened? I was at Zouk for Mambo on Wednesday and again on Saturday for Armin Van Buuren's gig. See what I mean, and just to console myself that it was not my fault for going, i made up excuses by saying that it was Ben's birthday so i had no choice but to go and also by saying Armin does not spin every night at Zouk so I have to go. See I have no self control at all.

So worked my scrawny ass off from Monday 4pm till the wee hours of Tuesday morning 5am I think, slept only at 6plus and wore up at 10am and went for classes. Thank god my 3pm class was cancelled so basically rushed home to sleep before heading to east coast lagoon for dinner with the family. I’m totally drained out of every ounce of energy in my body now, even the beer my dad offered me don’t seem to appeal to me but what the hell, I never reject alcohol so bottoms up.

So the parents have been talking to me recently about many things concerning my future and it hit me like a wall of bricks that, they actually do bother about their alcoholic, smoking son of theirs even though it seems at times, they’ve given up. I guess I’ve taken many things for granted recently and I’ve been too caught up partying and working instead of paying attention to the most important thing in my life, my family.

That aside, the situation in school ain’t a bed of roses if I want to be honest. I’ve basically skipped so many lectures that I’ve received so many e-mails concerning my attendance in school that it seems a norm to be now, I’m like immune already. So my lecturer talked to me today, she just advised me to come on time, instead of being late always and about some other stuff which I’m not going to elaborate. Really appreciated that simple gesture of concern.

Ok I;m going to study now. Chao.


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